The Statistics Surrounding Abortion Are Powerful

The numbers are real.

Gaining perspective of the number of women and children effected by abortion.

The statistics surrounding abortion are powerful.  The numbers are not shared to make a person feel guilt or shame, but to put into perspective the number of women and children effected by abortion in the United States.  The choice to have an abortion is never easy.  Many of the women at Pregnancy Resource Center can attest to that truth.  We are here to help every woman as she navigates through an unplanned pregnancy.  If you have questions, we can help you with the answers.  


This website has real-time counters that estimate of the number of abortions in the US and the number of abortions worldwide based on the very latest data of the actual number of abortions performed in past years.  Most of the abortions reported in these numbers are surgically induced.  The eleven abortion counters include: number of abortions in the US today, number of abortions in the US since Roe versus Wade (1973), number of abortions in the US this year, number of abortions in the US this year due to rape or incest, number of abortions in the US this year after 16 weeks gestation, number of abortions by Planned Parenthood since 1970, and the number of abortions by planned Parenthood this year, number of abortions worldwide since 1980, number of abortions worldwide this year, and number of abortions worldwide today.

Continue reading for more information about abortion and the choices available to those considering abortion.