Are you able to love the single, pregnant woman sitting next to you in church?
Did you ever think you would hear those words in the same sentence? The truth is, it happens all the time…women get pregnant. Some get pregnant when they are married and some get pregnant when they are not. For those young women who get pregnant out of wedlock and have been attending church most of their lives, the judgement surrounding their growing belly often turns them away from the church.
Let me talk to the pastors, youth leaders and church attendees. In Romans 3:23, the Bible clearly states that “we all sin and fall short of the glory of God.” It also says in 1 John 1:9, “if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” The shame associated with pregnancy comes in the form of a growing belly. The pregnant woman happens to wear her choices on the outside for the world, and often the church to stand in judgement of her.
Can we stop for a moment and shine the light on ourselves? If we are honest, we all sin. In fact, we sin every day and live in the shadows that many people will never know of our sin. But as God promises, if we truly repent, he will forgive us. So why is it any different for a woman who is pregnant out of wedlock? We stand as judge and jury instead of loving her and accepting her into the family of God.
Church, it’s time to put the gavel down and to love.
Are you able to love the single, pregnant woman sitting next to you in church? In fact, can you go one step further and say hello? Maybe you can even pray for her or invite her to breakfast. It’s quite possible she needs a friend, a mentor or someone to show her the love of Jesus in a tangible way.
For those women who are single and pregnant, go to church! Don’t be afraid, don’t be ashamed and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Get plugged into a small group that can help you with resources and can encourage you to grow in your faith. We all need a place to connect and feel loved. The church is there for you and God loves you.
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