Sanctity of Human Life

god values life and so do we

Throughout Central Oregon, women are hurting from the trauma of unplanned pregnancies, families are crumbling because they lack basic resources to support their families and unborn children are perishing because the choice to deny life is easier than ever.

Our goal is to empower the church to share about the value and sanctity of life.  God values every human life, from conception to the grave.  Born or unborn every life has value because it is made in the image of God.  On the third Sunday of January, our nation pauses to remember why we are called to love, serve and offer compassionate help to women who find themselves in unintended pregnancies.  We remember the lives lost to abortion and we thank God for those in our communities who support our ministry so we may continue to pray for and petition for those who may not have a voice or a choice.

If you are looking for a way to mark this occasion and to share about God’s value of life, we have provided a number of resources for you to utilize.


  • Sanctity of Human Life Sunday Slide, v1
  • Sanctity of Human Life Sunday Slide, v2
  • Order Church Bulletin Insert (email us) – we will provide 4×6 postcards for you – tell us how many you need. (view sample)
  • Sample Bulletin Announcement: Today we join with churches across the nation to recognize Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. We believe that God is the author and creator of all life, and all life is precious in His eyes. Today we will take time  to pray for our nation and especially the state of Oregon that life may be protected and cherished from the moment of conception to natural death.